Does National Bank take care of making my loan payments in the event of disability? Learn more about loan insurance payment in case of disability.
How does the insurance for my home equity line of credit work? Learn how insurance is calculated on a home equity line of credit.
If my claim is approved, will I receive a cheque, or will the amount be deposited in my bank account? Learn how to get reimbursed from an insurance claim.
What coverage is included in mortgage insurance? Learn which protections are included in your insurance coverage.
What happens if I can't make my mortgage payments? If you can no longer pay your mortgage, your co-borrower or your family
What is an RRSP loan or line of credit? Discover what an RRSP loan or line of credit is used for and how it can help you with your life plans: retirement, buying a home or returning to school.
What is a waiting period after a claim is submitted with National Bank? Find out what the waiting period is.
What is the deadline for making an insurance claim? Learn about deadlines for making an insurance claim.
What is the insured amount in the event of a critical illness diagnosis? Learn more about disability insurance.
What’s the difference between home insurance, mortgage loan insurance and mortgage insurance for a down payment of less than 20%? Learn the differences between types of house insurance.
Which assistance services are offered with mortgage loan insurance? Which assistance services are offered with mortgage loan insurance?